
Tuesday 16 August 2016

How to make a biltong

Making Biltong(beefjerky)

Aim: I want to find out how to make biltong

Method: The stuff i need to make biltong

Raw meat ( Rump steak fine to use)

Spices for flavouring ( a pinch of coriander, ginger, garlic, pepper, chilli)
a small handful of salt
Sharp Knife

Instructions of making biltong

  1. Cut the raw meat into thin strips abou 1-2cm wide
  2. Put the strips of meat into a bowl.
  3. Add the salt and spices into the bowl.
  4. Rub all the ingredients into the meat.
  5. Tie a piece of string around the end of each strip.
  6. Tie the other onto a drying line.
  7. Leave the meat to dry for one week.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

How to make a Home made ginger beer


I want to find out how to make ginger beer.


I need:

water,ginger,Lemon Juice,sugar and yeast.

1. 600 ml  water (cold or room temp)- if its too hot you'll cook and kill your yeast.
2.1 tsp yeast
3.Ginger juice
4. 4 tsp sugar- provides food for the yeast and multiply
5. juice of 2 lemons- provides and acidic environment that helps prevent other bacteria from taking over.
6. stir all of this in the jar, cover the jar with some fabric or a paper towel and place jar in a warm area
7.Everyday for the next week feed your yeast with ginger powder and 4 tsp sugar and stir in.
8.After a week, pour the ginger beer through cheese cloth and drink.

When i smelt the ginger beer it smelt like  raw ginger.
What does it taste like: it taste like spicy ginger putted in your mouth.
When i shook it it made bubbles.


What is yeast: a microscopic fungus consisting of single oval cells that reproduced by budding, and capable of converting sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
What did the yeast do in the ginger beer: I'm about to brew a ginger beer and was wondering if the choice of yeast is as important in a ginger beer, where the ginger dominates the flavour.
What are some other good uses of yeast:  brew beer., make chocolate
what are other bad uses of yeast: bad bacteria

What are some interesting questions that I would like to find out about this experiment: if its going to be yummy or disgusting

Monday 1 August 2016

Food tech

Question- How does milk become youghurt

Hypothesis-I think put cream and sugar inside the milk and freeze it.


method- In a beaker add 150mls of trim milk and two teaspoons of Acidophilus yoghurt. stir to mix. leave out overnight repeat with cream and with blue(full milk)

Predictions:the cream was thick and looked like yellowish. and the trim milk looks like greenish and the blue milk looks like the original milk. This is what it looks like after freezing it

The cream smells like cheese.
Bacteria reproduced
bacteria fed off the sugar
Trim milk made a thinner yoghurt than blue milk or cream because it has less sugar.
My hypothesis is wrong because we had to put milk and cream together and put in a beaker and after 5 days in the fridge and 2 days out it turned like this.